Why you Must have a Twitter Wall for Your Meetings and Conferences

If your organization is planning to organize a meeting or a conference in due course of time with its clientele, brand consumers and planned likely customers, then the organization must research into the possibilities and powers of a twitter wall, better known as a tweet wall for it promises a great yield in global earnings, brand marketing, global customer reach, brand-user engagement and more. Still not convinced for using a tweet wall for meetings and conferences? Here’s us explaining you more to make you think otherwise - Capable of displaying live twitter feed from the attendees of the conference or meeting by using the live hashtag feed of the organization, twitter walls serve as a visual display and interactive at prime locations of the conference or meeting, in the main hall, at the dining area etc. Searching for tweets that are brand specific by brand users on the Twitter-sphere, the @tag and #hashtag are used to pull brand tweets by the attendees and br...