How You Can Use The Instagram API in Just 3 Ways for Websites and Content Integration

As quoted on the Instagram platform itself, the Instagram API is a platform that can be used to build non-automated, authentic and high-quality applications and services that help individuals share their own content with third party applications, help brands and advertisers manage their audience and media rights and further help broadcasters discover content, get digital rights to media, and share media with proper attribution.

Simply speaking, an API is a seamless software-to-software interface which allows the passage of information smoothly without user involvement and intervention.

Now there are quite a few ways by which you can advantage from the Instagram API because well let’s agree, Instagram is the hub for social sharing for pictures and videos for lifestyle, travel, food, photography and more. Let’s read and benefit with Instagram API tips-


Instagram hashtag search API has the ability to search through and pull images from specific hashtags, simply called Instagram hashtag content. This is one of the most basic functions of the Instagram API. Quite a few applications work exponentially and run their operations by using the Instagram API. Searching for Instagram hashtag content is useful for marketing campaigns where content is required in real-time. This can also be put on a website with the use of the Instagram API for websites. 


The Instagram API for websites helps businesses post photos from Instagram on the brand website. A gallery of Instagram feed photos can be created on a website with this functionality. As and when new pictures are posted to the Instagram feed, the gallery on the website refreshes and updates itself. Here, photos can come from a single account on Instagram or from different tags.


The Instagram API integration allows users to obtain trending pictures from Instagram. With this feature and functionality, brands and businesses benefit by knowing what brand product is trending among the Instagram users. It serves as a data analysis and tracking functionality. This also allows users to view the most popular posts of the day.


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